Scholarships and Bursaries

We are very fortunate at the Conservatorium to have local groups and individuals in the community who encourage and support young musicians with scholarships and bursaries.

2025 Scholarship applications are now open for school-aged students of instruments and voice in the contemporary, classical and jazz genres. For 2025, scholarships will give recipients up to 40 x 45 minute lessons plus free ensemble tuition.

Download information and application here: 2025 Coffs Harbour Music Society Scholarship Application

The Bill Wood Annual Scholarship

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour City. Each year, students who consistently demonstrate musical talent and dedication are selected to receive this scholarship, presented in memory of our past Board President Bill Wood who dedicated himself to our Conservatorium and the community through his Rotary works.

The Conservatorium Scholarship

The Conservatorium supports a scholarship for a student showing talent and commitment in their chosen field.

The Valerie Petschack Scholarship

The Valerie Petschack Scholarship is offered to piano students who are classically trained. The scholarship is available in memory of the concert pianist Valerie Petschack, and is made possible thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor. 

Coffs Harbour Music Society Indigenous Scholarship

This scholarship is open to all levels and instruments/voice and aimed at assisting students from Aboriginal and Torres Straight backgrounds to further their musical training. 

Lesley Schoer Scholarship

This scholarship is open to all levels and instruments/voice but aimed at supporting a student in a project or endeavour designed to broaden their experience and enhance their development as a musician. As such, more advanced students are likely to gain greater outcomes from the award. The student will present two contrasting pieces and a written proposal (no more than 250 words) describing the project, event or training they would like to participate in. This should include an indication of how the scholarship funds will be used.

If you would like to offer a scholarship or become a sponsor, please call us on 02 6652 1592.


The Conservatorium also supports students through fee relief. If you are suffering financial hardship and can’t commit to lessons, please contact our Operations Manager, Elly Keating on .

Please call us on 02 6652 1592 or register your interest and we’ll get in touch with you!